
  • Alijonova Yodgoroy Toirjon qizi Andijon davlat pedagogika instituti talabasi


Mahalliylashtirish, infratuzilma, investisiya, eksport organi, iqtisodiyot, elektr-energetika, transport sanoati, tikuv, sanoat ishlab chiqarishi


Ushbu maqolada Andijon viloyati iqtisodiyotida sanoat klasterlarining o‘rni va barcha turdagi sanoati klasterlashtirishning ahamiyati yoritilgan. Shu bilan birga yangi statistic malumotlar berib o’tilgan.


Shadmanov, K. B., Davlatova, M. H., Ostonova, S. N., & Radjabova, A. T. (2020). ENGLISH RENAISSANCE: TRANSFORMATION OF 61 PHILOSOPHY UNDERSTANDING AS A FACTOR OF INFORMATION CULTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EPOCH. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, 5(1), 61-67.

Шадманов, К. (2015). Английская духовность и язык. Дюссельдорф: Изд-во Lambert, 264.

Badriddinovich, S. K. (2019). Sadullaev Denis Bakhtierovich From the history of the formation of the system of basic concepts of English philosophy. Science and education today, 10, 45.

Shadmanov, K. B. (2015). English spirituality and language. Dusseldorf: Lambert Publishing House, 264.

Шадманов, К. Б. (2003). Особенности английской философской мысли и лексики XIV-XVII вв. Т.: ТФИ, 66.

Shadmanov, K. B. (2020). On the Linguo-Philosophical Nature of Socio-Ethical Vocabulary. Skase Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies (SJLCS), 2(1), 69-74.

Шадманов, К. (2022). НОВАЯ ГЛОБАЛЬНАЯ РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ В АСПЕКТЕ КУЛЬТУРНО-ФИЛОСОФСКОЙ КАРТИНЫ МИРА СИСТЕМЫ ВОСТОК-ЗАПАДИ. Евразийский журнал медицинских и естественных наук, 2(7), 64-66.

Badriddinovich, S. K., & Bakhtiyorovich, S. D. (2021). STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF TERMS IN ENGLISH. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(6), 48-52.

Shadmanov, K. (2010). English spirituality and language: The interdependence of the linguophilosophical dialogue West-East. Tashkent: Fan.–2010.

Shadmanov, K. B. (2019). Formation of new integral world outlook and English Renaissance philosophy of language: problems of comprehension of semiotic reality. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, (2), 72-81.

Shadmanov, K. (2003). Sovereign Uzbekistan and Issues of Philosophical Terminology. In XXI World Congress of Philosophy. Abstracts. Istanbul, Turkey (p. 358).

Бычко, И. В., & Шадманов, К. (1984). Методологический анализ историко-философского знания/И. Бычко, А. Бычко, И. Быстрицкий.–2004.

Shadmanov, K. B., Baratova, M., Kurbanova, G., Shodiev, S., & Khamraeva, R. (2018). Succession and Correlation of Ancient Greek, IX-XII Centuries. Central Asian and XIV-XVI Centuries European Philosophical Thought. Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana, 23(82), 441-445.

Шадманов, К. Б. (2022). О ФИЛОСОФСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЕ И ЭРУДИЦИИ МОЛОДЕЖИ СУВЕРЕННОГО УЗБЕКИСТАНА В СВЕТЕ ТРЕТЬЕГО РЕНЕССАНСА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(Special Issue 23), 88-95.




How to Cite

ANDIJON VILOYATI SANOATI VA ISHLAB CHIQARISH STATISTIKASI. (2024). Barqaror Taraqqiyot Va Rivojlanish Tamoyillari, 2(5), 197-200.